Sunday, July 10, 2011


The Saturday starts relaxed. No alarm clock, a late breakfast and few hours at the pool. Can this be heaven? At 2 pm the new motto is: heaven can wait - we want to listen to music! We got for Theatro Pavone in the heart of Perugia tickets for the afternoon show and we are excited. The theatre is very old, looks like a tiny version of the austrian theatres and the show starts with "Jazz in Film" (old film clips with italian explanations) - Oldies but Goldies!!!
Theatro Pavone

After the films the real concert starts. The "rising stars" of the Italian Jazz scene are performing: Giovanni Guidi, piano and Gianluca Petrella, trombone together with an american rhythm section. No seats are empty, everyone waits and listens ...... OK, the youth seems to go the way of free jazz. Ines would have asked: are they still do some training or did they already start playing - or as Seda mentioned: do they need for that noise sheet music? To make it short - it was not the perfect set for us but at least interesting!

Giovanni Guidi - a guy to remember

Later we strolled around the Corso Varnucci, where you can listen everywhere to music - again Funk Off (a great brass band dancing along while playing), Anat Cohen (a female israeli clarinet player performing in the famous Brufani hotel) and so on. Wonderful atmosphere but we are getting tired.

Today we plan a more luxurious dinner in the garden of the LA ROSETTA. The table was pre-booked by us and we enjoy the meal. During these two hours we experience that a lot of the musicians we saw during the first days are there also staying in the hotel or having their dinners there. Wonderful dialogues, recognizing each other ('Ey maaaan what u are doing here ...') having fun. Also Dee Alexander wants to eat there but unfortunately there is no table under fresh air available. We are wondering if we should offer her a place at our table but then we would have to discuss about her performance of yesterday. Do we want that? Anyhow she looks more 'normal' than yesterday and finally she found also a seat which suites her!!

Not another ballroom - a simple cafe in Perugia

Corso Vernucci - like Istiklal Cadd.

All in all a great day ...

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