Sunday, July 17, 2011

A morning celebration with two crazy girls (Saturday part I)

Breakfast with two crazy girls celebrating ....
The morning is reserved for a breakfast with the two crazy girls on the above picture! Main aim is to pre-celebrate the upcoming birthdays of these two ladies (as they will not meet on their birthdays personally) which will take place end of this/beginning of next month.

We meet at one of our favorite Viennese cafes and we had a lot of fun. Chatting, unwrapping gifts and discussing actual topics like the inscription of Ines for the Winter semester of the Technical University (Architecture!!!!) or the adventures of JoAnne in China and our experiences with art&music in Italy.

Its so lovely when we sit relaxed and have fun.... we should do things like that more often.

Before we start to THE celebration of this day (see part II) we do have time to make a short cabrio drive to Grinzing and Kahlenberg & Leopoldsberg - where you get the best outlook over Vienna. The drive through the Viennese woods up the hill and the spectacular view and  the town seems to be so quiet ...

The waterline of Vienna: Danube, New Danube, Old Danube!

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